Jean-Jacques Droesbeke, winner of the 2022 Literary Prize of the Cercle Royal Gaulois artistique & littéraire.
Brussels, 3 March 2023 – Meeting under the chairmanship of its oldest member, Baron Jacques Franck, the jury for the Cercle Gaulois Literary Prize 2022 has awarded the prize to Adolphe Quetelet, passeur d’idées, by Jean-Jacques Droesbeke (Académie royale of Belgium).
In the opinion of the jury the fascinating biography of this exceptional figure of early Belgium was the winner. Mathematician and poet, astronomer and sociologist, naturalist and meteorologist, Adolphe Quetelet embodied a sort of Pico della Mirandola in a Belgium that had gone from Napoleonic occupation to Dutch rule and finally independence. A friend of Alexandre Dumas and Charles De Coster, respected the world over for his statistical work, he deserved this definitive biography which the Cercle Gaulois is delighted to award.
The jury is composed of Baron J. Franck, Messrs J.-B. Baronian, V. Dujardin, F. Saenen and C. Gérard.
The literary prize of the Cercle Royal Gaulois, Artistique et Littéraire is worth €4,000.
Located at the heart of the Royal Park of Brussels, the Cercle Royal Gaulois, Artistique et Littéraire forms a gathering point for diplomats, scientists, the liberal professions and those of the law, university professors and academics, politicians, corporate executives and directors, practitioners of the arts and literature. They gladly repair here for lunch, to take part in some activity organised by the Cercle or to wet their whistles at our well-stocked bar.