General Secretary
General Treasurer
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member
General Secretary
General Treasurer
Mr Geoffroy Generet – Lawyer – President of the Cercle Royal Gaulois from 2013 to 2023
Frans, Baron VAN DAELE – Minister of State – Honorary Ambassador Former Principal Private Secretary to His Majesty King Philippe.
Jacques, The Baron BROTCHI – Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and Director of the Centre Gamma-Knife. Former head of the department of neurosurgery at Erasmus Hospital. Author of scientific publications. Laureate of the quinquennial FNRS award for medical research. Former Speaker of the Senate.
Etienne, The Count DAVIGNON – Minister of State. Honorary Ambassador.
Francis, The Baron DELPEREE – Doctor of Laws at the Université de Paris. Professor of Law at the Université Catholique de Louvain. Director of the Revue belge de droit constitutionnel. Member of the Institut de France and the Académie Royale de Belgique. Former Senator.
Jacques, The Baron FRANCK – Doctor of Laws. Former Editor-in-Chief of La Libre Belgique.
Mr Hervé HASQUIN – Former Minister. Former Permanent Secretary to the Académie Royale de Belgique.
Jean-Claude, Chevalier VANDEN EYNDEN – Pianist. Honorary Professor at the Brussels Royal Conservatory and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel.
Located at the heart of the Royal Park of Brussels, the Cercle Royal Gaulois, Artistique et Littéraire forms a gathering point for diplomats, scientists, the liberal professions and those of the law, university professors and academics, politicians, corporate executives and directors, practitioners of the arts and literature. They gladly repair here for lunch, to take part in some activity organised by the Cercle or to wet their whistles at our well-stocked bar.